Modern Portraits for Modern Kids

(and busy parents in the Tampa Bay Area)

Your kid is frickin’ adorable and nearly everything they do SCREAMS to be photographed. But finding the time in your filled-to-the-brim schedule for a long photo shoot process just isn’t happening. Cue Mod Minis Photo Co.

Schedule and prepay online, show up for a quick (but ridiculously fun) photo shoot, and still have time to pop into Target for that cute planner you know you’ll never use but just can’t resist buying. You can even walk around the store with a slight feeling of superiority because you’ll know you just got some killer photos made of your squishy little kid!

Hey there!

I’m Cindy - mother of three, photographer of many, and purveyor of fine dad jokes. I’ve been raising children for more than 30 years and photographing other people’s children for more than 10, so I’m totally aware of the importance of ‘freezing time’ or ‘capturing memories’.

Look, your kids are cute but they don’t stay that way forever. Way too soon they’ll be going through that awkward, acne-filled phase no one wants to remember, and then, seemingly out of nowhere, you’ll get smacked upside the head with the going-off-to-college phase. So yeah, you do want to ‘preserve memories’.

But how do you make time for photo shoots when there are soccer practices, swim lessons, grocery shopping, meal prep, and - if you’re extra adulty - the gym so you can have all the energy needed to accomplish all of that?

Book a shoot with Mod Minis right here on this website, bring your kid to the studio in whatever they happen to be wearing that day, and sit down and take a breath while someone else (me) entertains your kid for half an hour. And when time’s up, we’ll have created a bunch of really cool, personality-filled portraits of your kid to show off on social media, hang on your walls, give as gifts to the grands…totally up to you. It takes less time than a typical Target run!

So, how does this work?

Quick and easy online scheduling, a 30 minute photo shoot, and an emailed gallery link with 10 vibrant, personality-driven images you’ll want to show off, like, immediately.

Bada bing, bada boom - you’re in, you’re out.



(in an oh-so-comfy, air conditioned studio)


one week from the date of your shoot